miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Baby Girl Album

Album para bebé niña

A friend kindly asked me to make her a baby girl album, and I got super inspired and worked on that for a few days, and today it was finished and delivered. She loved it!

Una amiga me encargo que le hiciera un album de bebé para niña, la verdad me inspire mucho y trabaje en ello durante varios dias, y hoy ya lo termine y entregue. A ella le encanto!

Here are a few pictures of it, hope you like it, I´m proud to say that even the album was handmade by me and I love all the little details.

Aqui hay algunas fotos del album, espero les guste. Orgullosamente puedo decir que incluso el album fue hecho a manita por mi y me encantaron todos los detallitos que tiene.

My friend Sarah is starting "Made by me wednesday" in her blog and I had to join, because she is super sweet and also talented, if you want to join us just click the button and it will take you there.

Hope everybody has a very creative week, dont´forget to leave a comment!

Espero que todos tengan una semana muy creativa y no olviden dejar comentario!